Service Upgrades

Meet the Demands of Modern Living

Upgrade Your Electrical Service for Enhanced Safety and Capacity

As homes become increasingly filled with high-tech appliances and devices, the need for a robust electrical system has never been greater. Ivan Zlatarov Electric offers comprehensive service upgrades to ensure your home’s electrical system can safely handle current and future demands. Whether you’re experiencing issues with an outdated system or planning to expand, our service upgrades provide the solution.

Why Consider a Service Upgrade?

  • Increased Capacity: Supports the addition of modern appliances and high-demand devices without overloading your system.
  • Improved Safety: Reduces the risk of electrical fires and other hazards associated with outdated systems.
  • Enhanced Home Value: A modern, up-to-date electrical system is a valuable asset in today’s real estate market.
  • Future-Proofing: Prepares your home for potential future needs, including home automation and electric vehicle charging.